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Digital Marketing Campaign for Alter Me AI

  • Category Digital Marketing
  • Client AlterMe AI
  • Start Date 02 May 2023
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Campaign Objective: Increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost user engagement for Alter Me AI's AI SAAS Avatar Generator through a combination of Influencer Marketing, Paid Search, and Paid Social strategies.

Alter Me AI, a revolutionary AI SAAS avatar generator, sought to establish its brand presence in a competitive market. To achieve this, AlfaCreators developed a comprehensive digital marketing campaign that leveraged Influencer Marketing, Paid Search, and Paid Social tactics, all aligned with Alter Me AI's unique value proposition.


1. Influencer Marketing:
Objective: Leverage influencers' reach and credibility to create authentic content and amplify brand visibility.

  • Identified relevant influencers in the technology, design, and AI niches.
  • Collaborated with influencers to showcase Alter Me AI's features, ease of use, and creative possibilities through tutorial videos, live demos, and challenges.
  • Encouraged influencers to share personal experiences, creating relatable content for their followers.

2. Paid Search (PPC):
Objective: Capture high-intent users actively searching for AI avatar generator solutions.

  • Conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-converting keywords related to avatar creation, AI design tools, and virtual identity.
  • Designed compelling ad copies highlighting Alter Me AI's unique features, ease of use, and creative potential.
  • Utilized A/B testing to refine ad copies, landing pages, and CTAs for optimal conversion rates.
  • Monitored performance metrics and adjusted bidding strategies to maximize ROI.

3. Paid Social:
Objective: Target a wider audience interested in design, personalization, and AI technology.

  • Leveraged demographic and interest-based targeting on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Created visually appealing ad creatives showcasing Alter Me AI's avatar generation process and customization options.
  • Ran carousel ads highlighting different use cases, such as social media profiles, website avatars, and gaming characters.
  • Implemented retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who had previously interacted with the brand.




  • + Reached over 5 million users through influencer collaborations.
  • + Garnered over 500,000 video views across various social media platforms.
  • + Achieved a Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 8.2%, well above the industry average.
  • + Conversion rate of 14%, resulting in a significant increase in trial sign-ups.
  • + Reached a diverse audience of over 3 million users.
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